10 Months Old!

Posted by Andrew & Jessica on Monday Sep 22, 2008 Under Andrew
My little man is 10 months old today. Whoa. And yep, I got stats- he’s 19lbs 3oz and 27 inches long. And still very adorable!
been up to lots in his 9th month. He started standing on his own a few
weeks ago and has been getting better and better with it as the days go
by. He took about a half of a step at most towards us and seems
cautious to make that move. But I’m sure it’s around the corner!
he’s still saying "Hi" but instead of the "ahhh" sound in it- he’s got
the "i" part going. He kinda slowed down on the waving and saying Hi
for a while but now it’s back big time. He attempts to clap but doesn’t
quite get it (keeps his hands together) but mimicks me when I say
"yay". And he’s been saying "mama" a lot too, but still more babble
ish- and I’m not quite sure if he knows I am mama. But I’m glad to say
he’s saying that before dada.. since ME said dada first. Still
nonetheless his first word is indeed- HI!
He loves when I do "So
Big" and copies me by throwing his hands in the air. Often he will do
it while eating and his food will end up in his hair. Oh well! haha. He
will also laugh when everyone or anyone else is laughing- cuz he’s a
Drew is also finding it very funny when Daddy burps after
a big dinner- whoops… the boys better mind their manners! Speaking
of, he seems to like make noises with his lips and have his food fly
out at the end of a meal- Oye! He’s also catching on with that cause
and effect stage- ya know throwing things off the highchair and waiting
for us to pick them up. As you can see- dinner time is quite crazy and

He is learning the word "no" and understanding that what
it really is- is a game where you simply just laugh at mommy and keep
doing what you were doing to hear her say "no" again.

Fun stuff!
He truly is adorable and very loveable. And though he’s on the go, and
busy being a comedian… he’s still mushy at times too.

Oh and
now for his eye problem. We noticed when Drew would wake up from his nap (only recently) his right eye would turn out. And it would happen for a couple minutes and then he’d be fine. So we took him to the dr which led to going to a specialist. He has a very mild case of lazy eye. And after discussing everything with the Dr the plan is to just keep going to have it checked and if it
gets worse- we’ll have to get something done about it (patch, glasses
etc). But right now it’s really only apparent when he wakes up from his
nap (when his eyes are tired). The dr did a series of tests and barely could even
tell he had it until the last one. But… he did find- after the vision
test- that though his vision is great now… he can see that he will
take after mommy and probably be nearsighted at some point. (I was in 2nd grade when I got my first pair of glasses) 🙁 Oh well, there are
worse things. We are however praying that the lazy eye does not get worse. Please join us in that prayer.

All in all little Andrew is doing well, and I
realize he’s growing up way too fast, and well that it’s also time to
get a move-on for his 1st birthday party plans. *sniffle, sniffle*

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