
Posted by Andrew & Jessica on Wednesday Dec 10, 2008 Under Andrew, Mary Elizabeth
So Drew fell last night and hit his head REALLY HARD on the door jam to
his room. And he had quite the bump on his little head. Looked like a big GOOSE EGG!!! 🙁 It was really
scary but he was fine after some tears. He went on to play normally,
eat, dance and all. No signs of sleepyness, throwing up or loss of
appetite. We tried to ice it as best as possible, on and off when he
would allow. This morning he woke up and it was quite the different.
Still has a good shiner there… but not so bad.
doesn’t it figure, we have our appointment tonight for Christmas
Pictures to be done! I thought about postponing it but for many reasons
I just can’t. Gifts and Cards are waiting on these pictures, the bruise
can turn many colors and take forever to go away, and ME has dental
surgery tomorrow and sometimes with her condition she will swell a
little when sick or having had work done etc. So Christmas photos with
the little bruiser it is.

So speaking of boo boos and the dental
surgery… We are not sure what he’ll do tomorrow but we can be sure
the dental work is needed. She has recently complained of some tooth
pain and one of her teeth has quite a bit of decay. So anyone out there that was planning on giving ME some candy gifts for the holidays… please don’t. She has enough problems with her teeth due to her
condition, candy is the last thing she needs an excess of- besides the
fact that candy and toddlers aren’t a good mix- hello SUGAR! Smiley

also got her own big boo boo last week when hot oil SPLASHED onto her
hand while making dinner. It was very painful and looked awful. It’s
healing decently now though.

Phew… so far Andy is in the clear
though (other than his annual winter cough)! Let’s pray that’s the end of it all! And of course remember to
keep ME in your prayers tomorrow, as any dental work can be painful and
well of course we always pray for her as she goes under anesthesia. Thanks in advance!

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